Letters Home

Listening to the Easy Hits play list from iTunes is not the best choice when you are feeling a bit homesick.  Jessie, Home, Perfect Duet and Easy are songs that pull at my heart strings and set my mind a wandering back home!

Living and working internationally can be perceived as selfish, brave, or even insane.  How can we leave everyone and everything to travel half way around the world?  How can we not? This is not a decision that you can make alone. You must talk it through with your family and decide if your family, marriage and friendships can withstand the distance and changes in you as the result of the experience.  

Unfortunately, there are things that you miss by making this choice:  celebrations, tragedies, family and friends! It can be VERY lonely at times!

If only I could bring all those who are near and dear here with me to experience this firsthand! 

Dear Zed:

I miss you my friend…your brilliance, your ability to push my thinking, the planning, pedicures, shopping and road trips. I miss spending hours in a room together enjoying the silence or solving the multitude of problems of a principal. I miss your reality checks and honest, supportive feedback when I am spinning out of control. I miss planning and hosting a dinner party in your honour as we celebrate your HUGE success and achievement! ! I missed celebrating with you the minute you found out you were moving to Spokane for your dream job. I miss the packing, and planning for your move! I miss adding up the wins and losses of the day! I miss SPA DAYS! I miss your stupid laugh and the misadventures of Lenny and Catherine! I miss you!

Dear Mom and Dad:

I am sorry that you worry.  I am sorry that I am not there for a drop in visit, coffee, family dinner, holidays, birthdays etc. I am sorry if you are bored and lonely in this super long winter and that making a quick phone call involves a 12 or 13 hour time difference and spotty Wifi. I am sorry that when you feel sad, lonely, sick or restless that you feel you cannot tell me because you do not want me to worry! I am sorry that I have not been able to spend as much time with you as I should! I am sorry you raised me to be strong, independent and to believe I could do anything! Without that there would be no China!

Dear Harrison

I am sorry that I am half way around the world as you transition into this next phase of your life. I know that things have been stressful for you! I am sorry I am not there for all the milestones and celebrations of your senior year. I am sorry that I am not there when you have to been feeling well or to cheer you on as you finish your last season as captain of the Hobart rowing team. I am sorry I have not visited you and taken you for dinners, groceries and all the things that you need while away at college. I am proud of you! So proud of you! Of your open mindedness, stubbornness, compassion and loyalty to others. I am also thankful that you have given me your support and strength to take this leap of faith and to embrace this new adventure. I love you!

Dear Griffin:

I know that I am your go to person and I am sorry that when you are frustrated, angry, sad etc that I have not been there for you. I am sorry that with the thousand things that you worry about each day that you have also worried about me being homesick or lonely. I am sorry that I have missed being there for the ups and downs of the season. I am sorry that I will not be there to move you out of your old house and into your new. I am sorry I have not been there for the home games, post-game meals, breakfasts and team celebrations. I am proud of you. Your character, your strength, your determination and your resilience! I love you!

Dear Friends (you know who you are):

I am sorry that I am not there for you as you go through the pain of your current reality.  hospitals, medical procedures, relationships, aging parents etc. I cannot imagine the heart ache and pain you are suffering. I admire each and every one of you! You are my heroes. Your strength, resilience, optimism, commitment and dedication to your family is admirable. I wish I could be there to support you, to cry with you and to relieve you even for a second. I hope you find peace, love and the strength to endure in the most difficult times. I love you!

Dear Scott:

Thanks for being my rock and for giving me my wings. Thank you for believing in me and for supporting my desire to jump in with both feet eyes closed. I am sorry that you have been lonely. I am sorry that adjusting to life with a wife that is half way around the world discovering, exploring and growing has been difficult for you! I miss you every day. I miss the rhythm and routine of our life together. I miss our family, friends and home that we have built together over the last 25 years! I miss you…..I love you!

Thank you all for believing in me, for your love and support and for the encouragement to follow a new and different path! I could not do it without you!

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